


var start = 0; // Starting coordinate in steps
var step = 10; // Shift amount in steps
var end = 100; // Ending coordinate in steps

var speed = 300; // maximum movement speed in steps / second
var accel = 100; // acceleration value in steps / second^2
var decel = 100; // deceleration value in steps / second^2
var delay = 100;

var m = get_move_settings(); // read movement settings from the controller
m.Speed = speed; // set movement speed
m.Accel = accel; // set acceleration
m.Decel = decel; // set deceleration
set_move_settings(m); // write movement settings into the controller

var f = new_file("C:/a.csv"); // Choose a file name and path; // Open a file 0 ); // Seek to the beginning of the file

command_move(start); // Move to the starting position
command_wait_for_stop(delay); // Wait until controller stops moving

while (get_status().CurPosition < end) {
f.write( get_status().CurPosition + "," + get_chart_data().Pot + "," + + "\n" ); // Get current position, potentiometer value and date and write them to file
command_movr(step); // Move to the next position
command_wait_for_stop(delay); // Wait until controller stops moving
f.close(); // Close the file