


6.2. Communication protocol specification (v17.5)

Protocol description

Controller can be controlled from the PC using serial connection (COM-port). COM-port parameters are fixed controller-side:
Speed: 115200 baud;
Frame size: 8 bits;
Stop-bits: 2 bits;
Parity: none;
Flow control: none;
Byte receive timeout: 400 ms;
Bit order: little endian;
Byte order: little endian.

Command execution

All data transfers are initiated by the PC, meaning that the controller waits for incoming commands and replies accordingly. Each command is followed by the controller response, with rare exceptions of some service commands. One should not send another command without waiting for the previous command answer.
Commands are split into service, general control and general information types.
Commands are executed immediately. Parameters which are set by Sxxx commands are applied no later than 1ms after acknowledgement.
Command processing does not affect real-time engine control (PWM, encoder readout, etc).
Both controller and PC have an IO buffer. Received commands and command data are processed once and then removed from buffer.
Each command consists of 4-byte identifier and optionally a data section followed by its 2-byte CRC. Data can be transmitted in both directions, from PC to the controller and vice versa. Command is scheduled for execution if it is a legitimate command and (in case of data) if its CRC matches. After processing a correct command controller replies with 4 bytes - the name of processed command, followed by data and its 2-byte CRC, if the command is supposed to return data.

Controller-side error processing

Wrong command or data

If the controller receives a command that cannot be interpreted as a legitimate command, then controller ignores this command, replies with an "errc" string and sets "command error" flag in the current status data structure. If the unreconized command contained additional data, then it can be interpreted as new command(s). In this case resynchronization is required.
If the controller receives a valid command with data and its CRC doesn't match the CRC computed by the controller, then controller ignores this command, replies with an "errd" string and sets "data error" flag in the current status data structure. In this case synchronization is not needed.

CRC calculation

CRC is calculated for data only, 4-byte command identifier is not included. CRC algorithm in C is as follows:

unsigned short CRC16(INT8U *pbuf, unsigned short n)
  unsigned short crc, i, j, carry_flag, a;
  crc = 0xffff;
  for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
    crc = crc ^ pbuf[i];
    for(j = 0; j < 8; j++)
      a = crc;
      carry_flag = a & 0x0001;
      crc = crc >> 1;
      if ( carry_flag == 1 ) crc = crc ^ 0xa001;
  return crc;

This function receives a pointer to the data array, pbuf, and data length in bytes, n. It returns a two byte CRC code.

Transmission errors

Most probable transmission errors are missing, extra or altered byte. In usual settings transmission errors happen rarely, if at all.
Frequent errors are possible when using low-quality or broken USB-cable or board interconnection cable. Protocol is not designed for use in noisy environments and in rare cases an error may match a valid command code and get executed.

Missing byte, controller side
A missing byte on the controller side leads to a timeout on the PC side. Command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully by the PC. Synchronization is momentarily disrupted and restored after a timeout.

Missing byte, PC side
A missing byte on the PC side leads to a timeout on PC side. Synchronization is maintained.

Extra byte, controller side
An extra byte received by the controller leads to one or several "errc" or "errd" responses. Command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully by the PC. Receive buffer may also contain one or several "errc" or "errd" responses. Synchronization is disrupted.

Extra byte, PC side
An extra byte received by the PC leads to an incorrectly interpreted command or CRC and an extra byte in the receive buffer. Synchronization is disrupted.

Altered byte, controller side
An altered byte received by the controller leads to one or several "errc" or "errd" responses. Command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully by the PC. Receive buffer may also contain one or several "errc" or "errd" responses. Synchronization can rarely be disrupted, but is generally maintained.

Altered byte, PC side
An altered byte received by the PC leads to an incorrectly interpreted command or CRC. Synchronization is maintained.

Timeout resynchronization

If during packet reception next byte wait time exceeds timeout value, then partially received command is ignored and receive buffer is cleared. Controller timeout should be less than PC timeout, taking into account time it takes to transmit the data.

Zero byte resynchronization

There are no command codes that start with a zero byte ('\0'). This allows for a following synchronization procedure: controller always answers with a zero byte if the first command byte is zero, PC ignores first response byte if it is a zero byte. Then, if synchronization is disrupted on either side the following algorithm is used:
In case PC receives "errc", "errd" or a wrong command answer code, then PC sends 4 to 250 zeroes to the controller (250 byte limit is caused by input buffer length and usage of I2C protocol, less than 4 zeroes do not guarantee successful resynchronization). During this time PC continuously reads incoming bytes from the controller until the first zero is received and stops sending and receiving right after that.
Received zero byte is likely not a part of a response to a previous command because on error PC receives "errc"/"errd" response. It is possible in rare cases, then synchronization procedure will start again. Therefore first zero byte received by the PC means that controller input buffer is already empty and will remain so until any command is sent. Right after receiving first zero byte from the controller PC is ready to transmit next command code. The rest of zero bytes in transit will be ignored because they will be received before controller response.
This completes the zero byte synchronization procedure.

Library-side error processing

Nearly every library function has a return status of type result_t.
After sending command to the controller library reads incoming bytes until a non-zero byte is received. All zero bytes are ignored. Library reads first 4 bytes and compares them to the command code. It then waits for data section and CRC, if needed. If first 4 received bytes do not match the sent command identifier, then zero byte synchronization procedure is launched, command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully. If first 4 received bytes match the sent command identifier and command has data section, but the received CRC doesn't match CRC calculated from the received data, then zero byte synchronization procedure is launched, command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully. If a timeout is reached while the library is waiting for the controller response, then zero byte synchronization procedure is launched, command is considered to be sent unsuccessfully.
If no errors were detected, then command is considered to be successfully completed and result_ok is returned.

Library return codes

  • result_ok. No errors detected.
  • result_error. Generic error. Can happen because of hardware problems, empty port buffer, timeout or successfull synchronization after an error. Another common reason for this error is protocol version mismatch between controller firmware and PC library.
  • result_nodevice. Error opening device, lost connection or failed synchronization. Device reopen and/or user action is required.

If a function returns an error values of all parameters it writes to are undefined. Error code may be accompanied by detailed error description output to system log (Unix-like OS) or standard error (Windows-like OS).

Zero byte synchronization procedure

Synchronization is performed by means of sending zero ('\0') bytes and reading bytes until a zero byte is received. Optionally one may clear port buffer at the end of synchronization procedure. Initially 64 zero bytes are sent. If there were no zero bytes received during the timeout, then a string of 64 bytes is sent 3 more times. After 4 unsuccessful attempts and no zero bytes received device is considered lost. In this case library should return result_nodevice error code. In case of successful syncronization library returns result_error.

Controller settings setup

Functions for adjusting engine read/write almost all controller settings.

Command SFBS

result_t set_feedback_settings (device_t id, const feedback_settings_t* feedback_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sfbs" or 0x73626673.

Request: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U IPS The number of encoder counts per shaft revolution. Range: 1..655535. The field is obsolete, it is recommended to write 0 to IPS and use the extended CountsPerTurn field. You may need to update the controller firmware to the latest version.
INT8U FeedbackType Type of feedback
0x01 - FEEDBACK_ENCODER (Feedback by encoder.)
0x03 - FEEDBACK_ENCODERHALL (Feedback by Hall detector.)
0x04 - FEEDBACK_EMF (Feedback by EMF.)
0x05 - FEEDBACK_NONE (Feedback is absent.)
INT8U FeedbackFlags Flags
0x01 - FEEDBACK_ENC_REVERSE (Reverse count of encoder.)
0x02 - FEEDBACK_HALL_REVERSE (Reverce count position on the Hall sensor.)
0xC0 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_BITS (Bits of the encoder type.)
0x00 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_AUTO (Auto detect encoder type.)
0x40 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_SINGLE_ENDED (Single ended encoder.)
0x80 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL (Differential encoder.)
INT16U HallSPR The number of hall steps per revolution.
INT8S HallShift Phase shift between output signal on BLDC engine and hall sensor input(0 - when only active the Hall sensor, the output state is a positive voltage on the winding A and a negative voltage on the winding B).
INT8U Reserved [5] Reserved (5 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Feedback settings.

Command GFBS

result_t get_feedback_settings (device_t id, feedback_settings_t* feedback_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gfbs" or 0x73626667.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U IPS The number of encoder counts per shaft revolution. Range: 1..655535. The field is obsolete, it is recommended to write 0 to IPS and use the extended CountsPerTurn field. You may need to update the controller firmware to the latest version.
INT8U FeedbackType Type of feedback
0x01 - FEEDBACK_ENCODER (Feedback by encoder.)
0x03 - FEEDBACK_ENCODERHALL (Feedback by Hall detector.)
0x04 - FEEDBACK_EMF (Feedback by EMF.)
0x05 - FEEDBACK_NONE (Feedback is absent.)
INT8U FeedbackFlags Flags
0x01 - FEEDBACK_ENC_REVERSE (Reverse count of encoder.)
0x02 - FEEDBACK_HALL_REVERSE (Reverce count position on the Hall sensor.)
0xC0 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_BITS (Bits of the encoder type.)
0x00 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_AUTO (Auto detect encoder type.)
0x40 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_SINGLE_ENDED (Single ended encoder.)
0x80 - FEEDBACK_ENC_TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL (Differential encoder.)
INT16U HallSPR The number of hall steps per revolution.
INT8S HallShift Phase shift between output signal on BLDC engine and hall sensor input(0 - when only active the Hall sensor, the output state is a positive voltage on the winding A and a negative voltage on the winding B).
INT8U Reserved [5] Reserved (5 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Feedback settings.

Command SHOM

result_t set_home_settings (device_t id, const home_settings_t* home_settings)
Command code (CMD): "shom" or 0x6D6F6873.

Request: (33 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U FastHome Speed used for first motion. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uFastHome Part of the speed for first motion, microsteps.
INT32U SlowHome Speed used for second motion. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSlowHome Part of the speed for second motion, microsteps.
INT32S HomeDelta Distance from break point.
INT16S uHomeDelta Part of the delta distance, microsteps. Range: -255..255.
INT16U HomeFlags Set of flags specify direction and stopping conditions.
0x001 - HOME_DIR_FIRST (Flag defines direction of 1st motion after execution of home command. Direction is right, if set; otherwise left.)
0x002 - HOME_DIR_SECOND (Flag defines direction of 2nd motion. Direction is right, if set; otherwise left.)
0x004 - HOME_MV_SEC_EN (Use the second phase of calibration to the home position, if set; otherwise the second phase is skipped.)
0x008 - HOME_HALF_MV (If the flag is set, the stop signals are ignored in start of second movement the first half-turn.)
0x030 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_BITS (Bits of the first stop selector.)
0x010 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_REV (First motion stops by revolution sensor.)
0x020 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_SYN (First motion stops by synchronization input.)
0x030 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_LIM (First motion stops by limit switch.)
0x0C0 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_BITS (Bits of the second stop selector.)
0x040 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_REV (Second motion stops by revolution sensor.)
0x080 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_SYN (Second motion stops by synchronization input.)
0x0C0 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_LIM (Second motion stops by limit switch.)
0x100 - HOME_USE_FAST (Use the fast algorithm of calibration to the home position, if set; otherwise the traditional algorithm.)
INT8U Reserved [9] Reserved (9 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set home settings. This function send structure with calibrating position settings to controller's memory.

Command GHOM

result_t get_home_settings (device_t id, home_settings_t* home_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ghom" or 0x6D6F6867.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (33 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U FastHome Speed used for first motion. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uFastHome Part of the speed for first motion, microsteps.
INT32U SlowHome Speed used for second motion. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSlowHome Part of the speed for second motion, microsteps.
INT32S HomeDelta Distance from break point.
INT16S uHomeDelta Part of the delta distance, microsteps. Range: -255..255.
INT16U HomeFlags Set of flags specify direction and stopping conditions.
0x001 - HOME_DIR_FIRST (Flag defines direction of 1st motion after execution of home command. Direction is right, if set; otherwise left.)
0x002 - HOME_DIR_SECOND (Flag defines direction of 2nd motion. Direction is right, if set; otherwise left.)
0x004 - HOME_MV_SEC_EN (Use the second phase of calibration to the home position, if set; otherwise the second phase is skipped.)
0x008 - HOME_HALF_MV (If the flag is set, the stop signals are ignored in start of second movement the first half-turn.)
0x030 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_BITS (Bits of the first stop selector.)
0x010 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_REV (First motion stops by revolution sensor.)
0x020 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_SYN (First motion stops by synchronization input.)
0x030 - HOME_STOP_FIRST_LIM (First motion stops by limit switch.)
0x0C0 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_BITS (Bits of the second stop selector.)
0x040 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_REV (Second motion stops by revolution sensor.)
0x080 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_SYN (Second motion stops by synchronization input.)
0x0C0 - HOME_STOP_SECOND_LIM (Second motion stops by limit switch.)
0x100 - HOME_USE_FAST (Use the fast algorithm of calibration to the home position, if set; otherwise the traditional algorithm.)
INT8U Reserved [9] Reserved (9 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read home settings. This function fill structure with settings of calibrating position.

Command SMOV

result_t set_move_settings (device_t id, const move_settings_t* move_settings)
Command code (CMD): "smov" or 0x766F6D73.

Request: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U Speed Target speed (for stepper motor: steps/s, for DC: rpm). Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSpeed Target speed in microstep fractions/s. Using with stepper motor only.
INT16U Accel Motor shaft acceleration, steps/s^2(stepper motor) or RPM/s(DC). Range: 1..65535.
INT16U Decel Motor shaft deceleration, steps/s^2(stepper motor) or RPM/s(DC). Range: 1..65535.
INT32U AntiplaySpeed Speed in antiplay mode, full steps/s(stepper motor) or RPM. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uAntiplaySpeed Speed in antiplay mode, 1/256 microsteps/s. Used with stepper motor only.
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set command setup movement (speed, acceleration, threshold and etc).

Command GMOV

result_t get_move_settings (device_t id, move_settings_t* move_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gmov" or 0x766F6D67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U Speed Target speed (for stepper motor: steps/s, for DC: rpm). Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSpeed Target speed in microstep fractions/s. Using with stepper motor only.
INT16U Accel Motor shaft acceleration, steps/s^2(stepper motor) or RPM/s(DC). Range: 1..65535.
INT16U Decel Motor shaft deceleration, steps/s^2(stepper motor) or RPM/s(DC). Range: 1..65535.
INT32U AntiplaySpeed Speed in antiplay mode, full steps/s(stepper motor) or RPM. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uAntiplaySpeed Speed in antiplay mode, 1/256 microsteps/s. Used with stepper motor only.
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read command setup movement (speed, acceleration, threshold and etc).

Command SENG

result_t set_engine_settings (device_t id, const engine_settings_t* engine_settings)
Command code (CMD): "seng" or 0x676E6573.

Request: (34 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U NomVoltage Rated voltage in tens of mV. Controller will keep the voltage drop on motor below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_VOLT flag is set (used with DC only).
INT16U NomCurrent Rated current. Controller will keep current consumed by motor below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_CURR flag is set. Range: 15..8000
INT32U NomSpeed Nominal speed (in whole steps/s or rpm for DC and stepper motor as a master encoder). Controller will keep motor shaft RPM below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_RPM flag is set. Range: 1..100000.
INT8U uNomSpeed The fractional part of a nominal speed in microsteps (is only used with stepper motor).
INT16U EngineFlags Set of flags specify motor shaft movement algorithm and list of limitations
0x01 - ENGINE_REVERSE (Reverse flag. It determines motor shaft rotation direction that corresponds to feedback counts increasing. If not set (default), motor shaft rotation direction under positive voltage corresponds to feedback counts increasing and vice versa. Change it if you see that positive directions on motor and feedback are opposite.)
0x02 - ENGINE_CURRENT_AS_RMS (Engine current meaning flag. If the flag is set, then engine current value is interpreted as root mean square current value. If the flag is unset, then engine current value is interpreted as maximum amplitude value.)
0x04 - ENGINE_MAX_SPEED (Max speed flag. If it is set, engine uses maximum speed achievable with the present engine settings as nominal speed.)
0x08 - ENGINE_ANTIPLAY (Play compensation flag. If it set, engine makes backlash (play) compensation procedure and reach the predetermined position accurately on low speed.)
0x10 - ENGINE_ACCEL_ON (Acceleration enable flag. If it set, motion begins with acceleration and ends with deceleration.)
0x20 - ENGINE_LIMIT_VOLT (Maximum motor voltage limit enable flag(is only used with DC motor).)
0x40 - ENGINE_LIMIT_CURR (Maximum motor current limit enable flag(is only used with DC motor).)
0x80 - ENGINE_LIMIT_RPM (Maximum motor speed limit enable flag.)
INT16S Antiplay Number of pulses or steps for backlash (play) compensation procedure. Used if ENGINE_ANTIPLAY flag is set.
INT8U MicrostepMode Settings of microstep mode(Used with stepper motor only).
0x01 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FULL (Full step mode.)
0x02 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_2 (1/2 step mode.)
0x03 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_4 (1/4 step mode.)
0x04 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_8 (1/8 step mode.)
0x05 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_16 (1/16 step mode.)
0x06 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_32 (1/32 step mode.)
0x07 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_64 (1/64 step mode.)
0x08 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_128 (1/128 step mode.)
0x09 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_256 (1/256 step mode.)
INT16U StepsPerRev Number of full steps per revolution(Used with stepper motor only). Range: 1..65535.
INT8U Reserved [12] Reserved (12 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set engine settings. This function send structure with set of engine settings to controller's memory. These settings specify motor shaft movement algorithm, list of limitations and rated characteristics. Use it when you change motor, encoder, positioner etc. Please note that wrong engine settings lead to device malfunction, can lead to irreversible damage of board.

Command GENG

result_t get_engine_settings (device_t id, engine_settings_t* engine_settings)
Command code (CMD): "geng" or 0x676E6567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (34 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U NomVoltage Rated voltage in tens of mV. Controller will keep the voltage drop on motor below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_VOLT flag is set (used with DC only).
INT16U NomCurrent Rated current. Controller will keep current consumed by motor below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_CURR flag is set. Range: 15..8000
INT32U NomSpeed Nominal speed (in whole steps/s or rpm for DC and stepper motor as a master encoder). Controller will keep motor shaft RPM below this value if ENGINE_LIMIT_RPM flag is set. Range: 1..100000.
INT8U uNomSpeed The fractional part of a nominal speed in microsteps (is only used with stepper motor).
INT16U EngineFlags Set of flags specify motor shaft movement algorithm and list of limitations
0x01 - ENGINE_REVERSE (Reverse flag. It determines motor shaft rotation direction that corresponds to feedback counts increasing. If not set (default), motor shaft rotation direction under positive voltage corresponds to feedback counts increasing and vice versa. Change it if you see that positive directions on motor and feedback are opposite.)
0x02 - ENGINE_CURRENT_AS_RMS (Engine current meaning flag. If the flag is set, then engine current value is interpreted as root mean square current value. If the flag is unset, then engine current value is interpreted as maximum amplitude value.)
0x04 - ENGINE_MAX_SPEED (Max speed flag. If it is set, engine uses maximum speed achievable with the present engine settings as nominal speed.)
0x08 - ENGINE_ANTIPLAY (Play compensation flag. If it set, engine makes backlash (play) compensation procedure and reach the predetermined position accurately on low speed.)
0x10 - ENGINE_ACCEL_ON (Acceleration enable flag. If it set, motion begins with acceleration and ends with deceleration.)
0x20 - ENGINE_LIMIT_VOLT (Maximum motor voltage limit enable flag(is only used with DC motor).)
0x40 - ENGINE_LIMIT_CURR (Maximum motor current limit enable flag(is only used with DC motor).)
0x80 - ENGINE_LIMIT_RPM (Maximum motor speed limit enable flag.)
INT16S Antiplay Number of pulses or steps for backlash (play) compensation procedure. Used if ENGINE_ANTIPLAY flag is set.
INT8U MicrostepMode Settings of microstep mode(Used with stepper motor only).
0x01 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FULL (Full step mode.)
0x02 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_2 (1/2 step mode.)
0x03 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_4 (1/4 step mode.)
0x04 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_8 (1/8 step mode.)
0x05 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_16 (1/16 step mode.)
0x06 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_32 (1/32 step mode.)
0x07 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_64 (1/64 step mode.)
0x08 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_128 (1/128 step mode.)
0x09 - MICROSTEP_MODE_FRAC_256 (1/256 step mode.)
INT16U StepsPerRev Number of full steps per revolution(Used with stepper motor only). Range: 1..65535.
INT8U Reserved [12] Reserved (12 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read engine settings. This function fill structure with set of useful motor settings stored in controller's memory. These settings specify motor shaft movement algorithm, list of limitations and rated characteristics.

Command SENT

result_t set_entype_settings (device_t id, const entype_settings_t* entype_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sent" or 0x746E6573.

Request: (14 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U EngineType Engine type
0x00 - ENGINE_TYPE_NONE (A value that shouldn't be used.)
0x01 - ENGINE_TYPE_DC (DC motor.)
0x02 - ENGINE_TYPE_2DC (2 DC motors.)
0x03 - ENGINE_TYPE_STEP (Step motor.)
0x04 - ENGINE_TYPE_TEST (Duty cycle are fixed. Used only manufacturer.)
0x05 - ENGINE_TYPE_BRUSHLESS (Brushless motor.)
INT8U DriverType Driver type
0x01 - DRIVER_TYPE_DISCRETE_FET (Driver with discrete FET keys. Default option.)
0x02 - DRIVER_TYPE_INTEGRATE (Driver with integrated IC.)
0x03 - DRIVER_TYPE_EXTERNAL (External driver.)
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set engine type and driver type.

Command GENT

result_t get_entype_settings (device_t id, entype_settings_t* entype_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gent" or 0x746E6567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (14 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U EngineType Engine type
0x00 - ENGINE_TYPE_NONE (A value that shouldn't be used.)
0x01 - ENGINE_TYPE_DC (DC motor.)
0x02 - ENGINE_TYPE_2DC (2 DC motors.)
0x03 - ENGINE_TYPE_STEP (Step motor.)
0x04 - ENGINE_TYPE_TEST (Duty cycle are fixed. Used only manufacturer.)
0x05 - ENGINE_TYPE_BRUSHLESS (Brushless motor.)
INT8U DriverType Driver type
0x01 - DRIVER_TYPE_DISCRETE_FET (Driver with discrete FET keys. Default option.)
0x02 - DRIVER_TYPE_INTEGRATE (Driver with integrated IC.)
0x03 - DRIVER_TYPE_EXTERNAL (External driver.)
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Return engine type and driver type.

Command SPWR

result_t set_power_settings (device_t id, const power_settings_t* power_settings)
Command code (CMD): "spwr" or 0x72777073.

Request: (20 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U HoldCurrent Current in holding regime, percent of nominal. Range: 0..100.
INT16U CurrReductDelay Time in ms from going to STOP state to reducting current.
INT16U PowerOffDelay Time in s from going to STOP state to turning power off.
INT16U CurrentSetTime Time in ms to reach nominal current.
INT8U PowerFlags Flags with parameters of power control.
0x01 - POWER_REDUCT_ENABLED (Current reduction enabled after CurrReductDelay, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - POWER_OFF_ENABLED (Power off enabled after PowerOffDelay, if this flag is set.)
0x04 - POWER_SMOOTH_CURRENT (Current ramp-up/down is performed smoothly during current_set_time, if this flag is set.)
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set settings of step motor power control. Used with stepper motor only.

Command GPWR

result_t get_power_settings (device_t id, power_settings_t* power_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gpwr" or 0x72777067.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (20 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U HoldCurrent Current in holding regime, percent of nominal. Range: 0..100.
INT16U CurrReductDelay Time in ms from going to STOP state to reducting current.
INT16U PowerOffDelay Time in s from going to STOP state to turning power off.
INT16U CurrentSetTime Time in ms to reach nominal current.
INT8U PowerFlags Flags with parameters of power control.
0x01 - POWER_REDUCT_ENABLED (Current reduction enabled after CurrReductDelay, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - POWER_OFF_ENABLED (Power off enabled after PowerOffDelay, if this flag is set.)
0x04 - POWER_SMOOTH_CURRENT (Current ramp-up/down is performed smoothly during current_set_time, if this flag is set.)
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read settings of step motor power control. Used with stepper motor only.

Command SSEC

result_t set_secure_settings (device_t id, const secure_settings_t* secure_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ssec" or 0x63657373.

Request: (28 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U LowUpwrOff Lower voltage limit to turn off the motor, tens of mV.
INT16U CriticalIpwr Maximum motor current which triggers ALARM state, in mA.
INT16U CriticalUpwr Maximum motor voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT16U CriticalT Maximum temperature, which triggers ALARM state, in tenths of degrees Celcius.
INT16U CriticalIusb Maximum USB current which triggers ALARM state, in mA.
INT16U CriticalUusb Maximum USB voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT16U MinimumUusb Minimum USB voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT8U Flags Critical parameter flags.
0x01 - ALARM_ON_DRIVER_OVERHEATING (If this flag is set enter Alarm state on driver overheat signal.)
0x02 - LOW_UPWR_PROTECTION (If this flag is set turn off motor when voltage is lower than LowUpwrOff.)
0x04 - H_BRIDGE_ALERT (If this flag is set then turn off the power unit with a signal problem in one of the transistor bridge.)
0x08 - ALARM_ON_BORDERS_SWAP_MISSET (If this flag is set enter Alarm state on borders swap misset)
0x10 - ALARM_FLAGS_STICKING (If this flag is set only a STOP command can turn all alarms to 0)
0x20 - USB_BREAK_RECONNECT (If this flag is set USB brake reconnect module will be enable)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set protection settings.

Command GSEC

result_t get_secure_settings (device_t id, secure_settings_t* secure_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gsec" or 0x63657367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (28 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U LowUpwrOff Lower voltage limit to turn off the motor, tens of mV.
INT16U CriticalIpwr Maximum motor current which triggers ALARM state, in mA.
INT16U CriticalUpwr Maximum motor voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT16U CriticalT Maximum temperature, which triggers ALARM state, in tenths of degrees Celcius.
INT16U CriticalIusb Maximum USB current which triggers ALARM state, in mA.
INT16U CriticalUusb Maximum USB voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT16U MinimumUusb Minimum USB voltage which triggers ALARM state, tens of mV.
INT8U Flags Critical parameter flags.
0x01 - ALARM_ON_DRIVER_OVERHEATING (If this flag is set enter Alarm state on driver overheat signal.)
0x02 - LOW_UPWR_PROTECTION (If this flag is set turn off motor when voltage is lower than LowUpwrOff.)
0x04 - H_BRIDGE_ALERT (If this flag is set then turn off the power unit with a signal problem in one of the transistor bridge.)
0x08 - ALARM_ON_BORDERS_SWAP_MISSET (If this flag is set enter Alarm state on borders swap misset)
0x10 - ALARM_FLAGS_STICKING (If this flag is set only a STOP command can turn all alarms to 0)
0x20 - USB_BREAK_RECONNECT (If this flag is set USB brake reconnect module will be enable)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read protection settings.

Command SEDS

result_t set_edges_settings (device_t id, const edges_settings_t* edges_settings)
Command code (CMD): "seds" or 0x73646573.

Request: (26 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U BorderFlags Border flags, specify types of borders and motor behaviour on borders.
0x01 - BORDER_IS_ENCODER (Borders are fixed by predetermined encoder values, if set; borders position on limit switches, if not set.)
0x02 - BORDER_STOP_LEFT (Motor should stop on left border.)
0x04 - BORDER_STOP_RIGHT (Motor should stop on right border.)
0x08 - BORDERS_SWAP_MISSET_DETECTION (Motor should stop on both borders. Need to save motor then wrong border settings is se)
INT8U EnderFlags Ender flags, specify electrical behaviour of limit switches like order and pulled positions.
0x01 - ENDER_SWAP (First limit switch on the right side, if set; otherwise on the left side.)
0x02 - ENDER_SW1_ACTIVE_LOW (1 - Limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is triggered by a low level on pin.)
0x04 - ENDER_SW2_ACTIVE_LOW (1 - Limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is triggered by a low level on pin.)
INT32S LeftBorder Left border position, used if BORDER_IS_ENCODER flag is set.
INT16S uLeftBorder Left border position in 1/256 microsteps(used with stepper motor only). Range: -255..255.
INT32S RightBorder Right border position, used if BORDER_IS_ENCODER flag is set.
INT16S uRightBorder Right border position in 1/256 microsteps. Used with stepper motor only. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set border and limit switches settings.

Command GEDS

result_t get_edges_settings (device_t id, edges_settings_t* edges_settings)
Command code (CMD): "geds" or 0x73646567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (26 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U BorderFlags Border flags, specify types of borders and motor behaviour on borders.
0x01 - BORDER_IS_ENCODER (Borders are fixed by predetermined encoder values, if set; borders position on limit switches, if not set.)
0x02 - BORDER_STOP_LEFT (Motor should stop on left border.)
0x04 - BORDER_STOP_RIGHT (Motor should stop on right border.)
0x08 - BORDERS_SWAP_MISSET_DETECTION (Motor should stop on both borders. Need to save motor then wrong border settings is se)
INT8U EnderFlags Ender flags, specify electrical behaviour of limit switches like order and pulled positions.
0x01 - ENDER_SWAP (First limit switch on the right side, if set; otherwise on the left side.)
0x02 - ENDER_SW1_ACTIVE_LOW (1 - Limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is triggered by a low level on pin.)
0x04 - ENDER_SW2_ACTIVE_LOW (1 - Limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is triggered by a low level on pin.)
INT32S LeftBorder Left border position, used if BORDER_IS_ENCODER flag is set.
INT16S uLeftBorder Left border position in 1/256 microsteps(used with stepper motor only). Range: -255..255.
INT32S RightBorder Right border position, used if BORDER_IS_ENCODER flag is set.
INT16S uRightBorder Right border position in 1/256 microsteps. Used with stepper motor only. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read border and limit switches settings.

Command SPID

result_t set_pid_settings (device_t id, const pid_settings_t* pid_settings)
Command code (CMD): "spid" or 0x64697073.

Request: (48 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U KpU Proportional gain for voltage PID routine
INT16U KiU Integral gain for voltage PID routine
INT16U KdU Differential gain for voltage PID routine
FLT32 Kpf Proportional gain for BLDC position PID routine
FLT32 Kif Integral gain for BLDC position PID routine
FLT32 Kdf Differential gain for BLDC position PID routine
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set PID settings. This function send structure with set of PID factors to controller's memory. These settings specify behaviour of PID routine for positioner. These factors are slightly different for different positioners. All boards are supplied with standard set of PID setting on controller's flash memory. Please use it for loading new PID settings when you change positioner. Please note that wrong PID settings lead to device malfunction.

Command GPID

result_t get_pid_settings (device_t id, pid_settings_t* pid_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gpid" or 0x64697067.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (48 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U KpU Proportional gain for voltage PID routine
INT16U KiU Integral gain for voltage PID routine
INT16U KdU Differential gain for voltage PID routine
FLT32 Kpf Proportional gain for BLDC position PID routine
FLT32 Kif Integral gain for BLDC position PID routine
FLT32 Kdf Differential gain for BLDC position PID routine
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read PID settings. This function fill structure with set of motor PID settings stored in controller's memory. These settings specify behaviour of PID routine for positioner. These factors are slightly different for different positioners. All boards are supplied with standard set of PID setting on controller's flash memory.

Command SSNI

result_t set_sync_in_settings (device_t id, const sync_in_settings_t* sync_in_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ssni" or 0x696E7373.

Request: (28 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U SyncInFlags Input synchronization flags
0x01 - SYNCIN_ENABLED (Synchronization in mode is enabled, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - SYNCIN_INVERT (Trigger on falling edge if flag is set, on rising edge otherwise.)
0x04 - SYNCIN_GOTOPOSITION (The engine is go to position specified in Position and uPosition, if this flag is set. And it is shift on the Position and uPosition, if this flag is unset)
INT16U ClutterTime Input synchronization pulse dead time (mks).
INT32S Position Desired position or shift (whole steps)
INT16S uPosition The fractional part of a position or shift in microsteps. Is used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT32U Speed Target speed (for stepper motor: steps/s, for DC: rpm). Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSpeed Target speed in microsteps/s. Using with stepper motor only.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set input synchronization settings. This function send structure with set of input synchronization settings, that specify behaviour of input synchronization, to controller's memory. All boards are supplied with standard set of these settings.

Command GSNI

result_t get_sync_in_settings (device_t id, sync_in_settings_t* sync_in_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gsni" or 0x696E7367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (28 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U SyncInFlags Input synchronization flags
0x01 - SYNCIN_ENABLED (Synchronization in mode is enabled, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - SYNCIN_INVERT (Trigger on falling edge if flag is set, on rising edge otherwise.)
0x04 - SYNCIN_GOTOPOSITION (The engine is go to position specified in Position and uPosition, if this flag is set. And it is shift on the Position and uPosition, if this flag is unset)
INT16U ClutterTime Input synchronization pulse dead time (mks).
INT32S Position Desired position or shift (whole steps)
INT16S uPosition The fractional part of a position or shift in microsteps. Is used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT32U Speed Target speed (for stepper motor: steps/s, for DC: rpm). Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uSpeed Target speed in microsteps/s. Using with stepper motor only.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read input synchronization settings. This function fill structure with set of input synchronization settings, modes, periods and flags, that specify behaviour of input synchronization. All boards are supplied with standard set of these settings.

Command SSNO

result_t set_sync_out_settings (device_t id, const sync_out_settings_t* sync_out_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ssno" or 0x6F6E7373.

Request: (16 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U SyncOutFlags Output synchronization flags
0x01 - SYNCOUT_ENABLED (Synchronization out pin follows the synchronization logic, if set. It governed by SYNCOUT_STATE flag otherwise.)
0x02 - SYNCOUT_STATE (When output state is fixed by negative SYNCOUT_ENABLED flag, the pin state is in accordance with this flag state.)
0x04 - SYNCOUT_INVERT (Low level is active, if set, and high level is active otherwise.)
0x08 - SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS (Use motor steps/encoder pulses instead of milliseconds for output pulse generation if the flag is set.)
0x10 - SYNCOUT_ONSTART (Generate synchronization pulse when movement starts.)
0x20 - SYNCOUT_ONSTOP (Generate synchronization pulse when movement stops.)
0x40 - SYNCOUT_ONPERIOD (Generate synchronization pulse every SyncOutPeriod encoder pulses.)
INT16U SyncOutPulseSteps This value specifies duration of output pulse. It is measured microseconds when SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS flag is cleared or in encoder pulses or motor steps when SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS is set.
INT16U SyncOutPeriod This value specifies number of encoder pulses or steps between two output synchronization pulses when SYNCOUT_ONPERIOD is set.
INT32U Accuracy This is the neighborhood around the target coordinates, which is getting hit in the target position and the momentum generated by the stop.
INT8U uAccuracy This is the neighborhood around the target coordinates in micro steps (only used with stepper motor).
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set output synchronization settings. This function send structure with set of output synchronization settings, that specify behaviour of output synchronization, to controller's memory. All boards are supplied with standard set of these settings.

Command GSNO

result_t get_sync_out_settings (device_t id, sync_out_settings_t* sync_out_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gsno" or 0x6F6E7367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (16 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U SyncOutFlags Output synchronization flags
0x01 - SYNCOUT_ENABLED (Synchronization out pin follows the synchronization logic, if set. It governed by SYNCOUT_STATE flag otherwise.)
0x02 - SYNCOUT_STATE (When output state is fixed by negative SYNCOUT_ENABLED flag, the pin state is in accordance with this flag state.)
0x04 - SYNCOUT_INVERT (Low level is active, if set, and high level is active otherwise.)
0x08 - SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS (Use motor steps/encoder pulses instead of milliseconds for output pulse generation if the flag is set.)
0x10 - SYNCOUT_ONSTART (Generate synchronization pulse when movement starts.)
0x20 - SYNCOUT_ONSTOP (Generate synchronization pulse when movement stops.)
0x40 - SYNCOUT_ONPERIOD (Generate synchronization pulse every SyncOutPeriod encoder pulses.)
INT16U SyncOutPulseSteps This value specifies duration of output pulse. It is measured microseconds when SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS flag is cleared or in encoder pulses or motor steps when SYNCOUT_IN_STEPS is set.
INT16U SyncOutPeriod This value specifies number of encoder pulses or steps between two output synchronization pulses when SYNCOUT_ONPERIOD is set.
INT32U Accuracy This is the neighborhood around the target coordinates, which is getting hit in the target position and the momentum generated by the stop.
INT8U uAccuracy This is the neighborhood around the target coordinates in micro steps (only used with stepper motor).
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read output synchronization settings. This function fill structure with set of output synchronization settings, modes, periods and flags, that specify behaviour of output synchronization. All boards are supplied with standard set of these settings.

Command SEIO

result_t set_extio_settings (device_t id, const extio_settings_t* extio_settings)
Command code (CMD): "seio" or 0x6F696573.

Request: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U EXTIOSetupFlags Configuration flags of the external I-O
0x01 - EXTIO_SETUP_OUTPUT (EXTIO works as output if flag is set, works as input otherwise.)
0x02 - EXTIO_SETUP_INVERT (Interpret EXTIO states and fronts inverted if flag is set. Falling front as input event and low logic level as active state.)
INT8U EXTIOModeFlags Flags mode settings external I-O
0x0F - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_BITS (Bits of the behaviour selector when the signal on input goes to the active state.)
0x00 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_NOP (Do nothing.)
0x01 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_STOP (Issue STOP command, ceasing the engine movement.)
0x02 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_PWOF (Issue PWOF command, powering off all engine windings.)
0x03 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_MOVR (Issue MOVR command with last used settings.)
0x04 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_HOME (Issue HOME command.)
0x05 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_ALARM (Set Alarm when the signal goes to the active state.)
0xF0 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_BITS (Bits of the output behaviour selection.)
0x00 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_OFF (EXTIO pin always set in inactive state.)
0x10 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_ON (EXTIO pin always set in active state.)
0x20 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOVING (EXTIO pin stays active during moving state.)
0x30 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_ALARM (EXTIO pin stays active during Alarm state.)
0x40 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOTOR_ON (EXTIO pin stays active when windings are powered.)
0x50 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOTOR_FOUND (EXTIO pin stays active when motor is connected (first winding).)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set EXTIO settings. This function writes a structure with a set of EXTIO settings to controller's memory. By default input event are signalled through rising front and output states are signalled by high logic state.

Command GEIO

result_t get_extio_settings (device_t id, extio_settings_t* extio_settings)
Command code (CMD): "geio" or 0x6F696567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U EXTIOSetupFlags Configuration flags of the external I-O
0x01 - EXTIO_SETUP_OUTPUT (EXTIO works as output if flag is set, works as input otherwise.)
0x02 - EXTIO_SETUP_INVERT (Interpret EXTIO states and fronts inverted if flag is set. Falling front as input event and low logic level as active state.)
INT8U EXTIOModeFlags Flags mode settings external I-O
0x0F - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_BITS (Bits of the behaviour selector when the signal on input goes to the active state.)
0x00 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_NOP (Do nothing.)
0x01 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_STOP (Issue STOP command, ceasing the engine movement.)
0x02 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_PWOF (Issue PWOF command, powering off all engine windings.)
0x03 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_MOVR (Issue MOVR command with last used settings.)
0x04 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_HOME (Issue HOME command.)
0x05 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_IN_ALARM (Set Alarm when the signal goes to the active state.)
0xF0 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_BITS (Bits of the output behaviour selection.)
0x00 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_OFF (EXTIO pin always set in inactive state.)
0x10 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_ON (EXTIO pin always set in active state.)
0x20 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOVING (EXTIO pin stays active during moving state.)
0x30 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_ALARM (EXTIO pin stays active during Alarm state.)
0x40 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOTOR_ON (EXTIO pin stays active when windings are powered.)
0x50 - EXTIO_SETUP_MODE_OUT_MOTOR_FOUND (EXTIO pin stays active when motor is connected (first winding).)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read EXTIO settings. This function reads a structure with a set of EXTIO settings from controller's memory.

Command SBRK

result_t set_brake_settings (device_t id, const brake_settings_t* brake_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sbrk" or 0x6B726273.

Request: (25 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U t1 Time in ms between turn on motor power and turn off brake.
INT16U t2 Time in ms between turn off brake and moving readiness. All moving commands will execute after this interval.
INT16U t3 Time in ms between motor stop and turn on brake.
INT16U t4 Time in ms between turn on brake and turn off motor power.
INT8U BrakeFlags Flags.
0x01 - BRAKE_ENABLED (Brake control is enabled, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - BRAKE_ENG_PWROFF (Brake turns off power of step motor, if this flag is set.)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set settings of brake control.

Command GBRK

result_t get_brake_settings (device_t id, brake_settings_t* brake_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gbrk" or 0x6B726267.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (25 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U t1 Time in ms between turn on motor power and turn off brake.
INT16U t2 Time in ms between turn off brake and moving readiness. All moving commands will execute after this interval.
INT16U t3 Time in ms between motor stop and turn on brake.
INT16U t4 Time in ms between turn on brake and turn off motor power.
INT8U BrakeFlags Flags.
0x01 - BRAKE_ENABLED (Brake control is enabled, if this flag is set.)
0x02 - BRAKE_ENG_PWROFF (Brake turns off power of step motor, if this flag is set.)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read settings of brake control.

Command SCTL

result_t set_control_settings (device_t id, const control_settings_t* control_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sctl" or 0x6C746373.

Request: (93 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U MaxSpeed [10] Array of speeds (full step) using with joystick and button control. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uMaxSpeed [10] Array of speeds (1/256 microstep) using with joystick and button control.
INT16U Timeout [9] timeout[i] is time in ms, after that max_speed[i+1] is applying. It is using with buttons control only.
INT16U MaxClickTime Maximum click time. Prior to the expiration of this time the first speed isn't enabled.
INT16U Flags Flags.
0x03 - CONTROL_MODE_BITS (Bits to control engine by joystick or buttons.)
0x00 - CONTROL_MODE_OFF (Control is disabled.)
0x01 - CONTROL_MODE_JOY (Control by joystick.)
0x02 - CONTROL_MODE_LR (Control by left/right buttons.)
0x04 - CONTROL_BTN_LEFT_PUSHED_OPEN (Pushed left button corresponds to open contact, if this flag is set.)
0x08 - CONTROL_BTN_RIGHT_PUSHED_OPEN (Pushed right button corresponds to open contact, if this flag is set.)
INT32S DeltaPosition Shift (delta) of position
INT16S uDeltaPosition Fractional part of the shift in micro steps. Is only used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [9] Reserved (9 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set settings of motor control. When choosing CTL_MODE = 1 switches motor control with the joystick. In this mode, the joystick to the maximum engine tends Move at MaxSpeed [i], where i = 0 if the previous use This mode is not selected another i. Buttons switch the room rate i. When CTL_MODE = 2 is switched on motor control using the Left / right. When you click on the button motor starts to move in the appropriate direction at a speed MaxSpeed [0], at the end of time Timeout [i] motor move at a speed MaxSpeed [i+1]. at Transition from MaxSpeed [i] on MaxSpeed [i +1] to acceleration, as usual.

Command GCTL

result_t get_control_settings (device_t id, control_settings_t* control_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gctl" or 0x6C746367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (93 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U MaxSpeed [10] Array of speeds (full step) using with joystick and button control. Range: 0..100000.
INT8U uMaxSpeed [10] Array of speeds (1/256 microstep) using with joystick and button control.
INT16U Timeout [9] timeout[i] is time in ms, after that max_speed[i+1] is applying. It is using with buttons control only.
INT16U MaxClickTime Maximum click time. Prior to the expiration of this time the first speed isn't enabled.
INT16U Flags Flags.
0x03 - CONTROL_MODE_BITS (Bits to control engine by joystick or buttons.)
0x00 - CONTROL_MODE_OFF (Control is disabled.)
0x01 - CONTROL_MODE_JOY (Control by joystick.)
0x02 - CONTROL_MODE_LR (Control by left/right buttons.)
0x04 - CONTROL_BTN_LEFT_PUSHED_OPEN (Pushed left button corresponds to open contact, if this flag is set.)
0x08 - CONTROL_BTN_RIGHT_PUSHED_OPEN (Pushed right button corresponds to open contact, if this flag is set.)
INT32S DeltaPosition Shift (delta) of position
INT16S uDeltaPosition Fractional part of the shift in micro steps. Is only used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [9] Reserved (9 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read settings of motor control. When choosing CTL_MODE = 1 switches motor control with the joystick. In this mode, the joystick to the maximum engine tends Move at MaxSpeed [i], where i = 0 if the previous use This mode is not selected another i. Buttons switch the room rate i. When CTL_MODE = 2 is switched on motor control using the Left / right. When you click on the button motor starts to move in the appropriate direction at a speed MaxSpeed [0], at the end of time Timeout [i] motor move at a speed MaxSpeed [i+1]. at Transition from MaxSpeed [i] on MaxSpeed [i +1] to acceleration, as usual.

Command SJOY

result_t set_joystick_settings (device_t id, const joystick_settings_t* joystick_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sjoy" or 0x796F6A73.

Request: (22 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT16U JoyLowEnd Joystick lower end position. Range: 0..10000.
INT16U JoyCenter Joystick center position. Range: 0..10000.
INT16U JoyHighEnd Joystick higher end position. Range: 0..10000.
INT8U ExpFactor Exponential nonlinearity factor.
INT8U DeadZone Joystick dead zone.
INT8U JoyFlags Joystick control flags.
0x01 - JOY_REVERSE (Joystick action is reversed. Joystick deviation to the upper values correspond to negative speeds and vice versa.)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set settings of joystick. If joystick position is outside DeadZone limits from the central position a movement with speed, defined by the joystick DeadZone edge to 100% deviation, begins. Joystick positions inside DeadZone limits correspond to zero speed (soft stop of motion) and positions beyond Low and High limits correspond MaxSpeed [i] or -MaxSpeed [i] (see command SCTL), where i = 0 by default and can be changed with left/right buttons (see command SCTL). If next speed in list is zero (both integer and microstep parts), the button press is ignored. First speed in list shouldn't be zero. The DeadZone ranges are illustrated on the following picture.

The relationship between the deviation and the rate is exponential, allowing no switching speed combine high mobility and accuracy. The following picture illustrates this:

The nonlinearity parameter is adjustable. Setting it to zero makes deviation/speed relation linear.

Command GJOY

result_t get_joystick_settings (device_t id, joystick_settings_t* joystick_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gjoy" or 0x796F6A67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (22 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U JoyLowEnd Joystick lower end position. Range: 0..10000.
INT16U JoyCenter Joystick center position. Range: 0..10000.
INT16U JoyHighEnd Joystick higher end position. Range: 0..10000.
INT8U ExpFactor Exponential nonlinearity factor.
INT8U DeadZone Joystick dead zone.
INT8U JoyFlags Joystick control flags.
0x01 - JOY_REVERSE (Joystick action is reversed. Joystick deviation to the upper values correspond to negative speeds and vice versa.)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read settings of joystick. If joystick position is outside DeadZone limits from the central position a movement with speed, defined by the joystick DeadZone edge to 100% deviation, begins. Joystick positions inside DeadZone limits correspond to zero speed (soft stop of motion) and positions beyond Low and High limits correspond MaxSpeed [i] or -MaxSpeed [i] (see command SCTL), where i = 0 by default and can be changed with left/right buttons (see command SCTL). If next speed in list is zero (both integer and microstep parts), the button press is ignored. First speed in list shouldn't be zero. The DeadZone ranges are illustrated on the following picture.

The relationship between the deviation and the rate is exponential, allowing no switching speed combine high mobility and accuracy. The following picture illustrates this:

The nonlinearity parameter is adjustable. Setting it to zero makes deviation/speed relation linear.

Command SCTP

result_t set_ctp_settings (device_t id, const ctp_settings_t* ctp_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sctp" or 0x70746373.

Request: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U CTPMinError Minimum contrast steps from step motor encoder position, wich set STATE_CTP_ERROR flag. Measured in steps step motor.
INT8U CTPFlags Flags.
0x01 - CTP_ENABLED (Position control is enabled, if flag set.)
0x02 - CTP_BASE (Position control is based on revolution sensor, if this flag is set; otherwise it is based on encoder.)
0x04 - CTP_ALARM_ON_ERROR (Set ALARM on mismatch, if flag set.)
0x08 - REV_SENS_INV (Sensor is active when it 0 and invert makes active level 1. That is, if you do not invert, it is normal logic - 0 is the activation.)
0x10 - CTP_ERROR_CORRECTION (Correct errors which appear when slippage if the flag is set. It works only with the encoder. Incompatible with flag CTP_ALARM_ON_ERROR.)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set settings of control position(is only used with stepper motor). When controlling the step motor with encoder (CTP_BASE 0) it is possible to detect the loss of steps. The controller knows the number of steps per revolution (GENG :: StepsPerRev) and the encoder resolution (GFBS :: IPT). When the control (flag CTP_ENABLED), the controller stores the current position in the footsteps of SM and the current position of the encoder. Further, at each step of the position encoder is converted into steps and if the difference is greater CTPMinError, a flag STATE_CTP_ERROR. When controlling the step motor with speed sensor (CTP_BASE 1), the position is controlled by him. The active edge of input clock controller stores the current value of steps. Further, at each turn checks how many steps shifted. When a mismatch CTPMinError a flag STATE_CTP_ERROR.

Command GCTP

result_t get_ctp_settings (device_t id, ctp_settings_t* ctp_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gctp" or 0x70746367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U CTPMinError Minimum contrast steps from step motor encoder position, wich set STATE_CTP_ERROR flag. Measured in steps step motor.
INT8U CTPFlags Flags.
0x01 - CTP_ENABLED (Position control is enabled, if flag set.)
0x02 - CTP_BASE (Position control is based on revolution sensor, if this flag is set; otherwise it is based on encoder.)
0x04 - CTP_ALARM_ON_ERROR (Set ALARM on mismatch, if flag set.)
0x08 - REV_SENS_INV (Sensor is active when it 0 and invert makes active level 1. That is, if you do not invert, it is normal logic - 0 is the activation.)
0x10 - CTP_ERROR_CORRECTION (Correct errors which appear when slippage if the flag is set. It works only with the encoder. Incompatible with flag CTP_ALARM_ON_ERROR.)
INT8U Reserved [10] Reserved (10 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read settings of control position(is only used with stepper motor). When controlling the step motor with encoder (CTP_BASE 0) it is possible to detect the loss of steps. The controller knows the number of steps per revolution (GENG :: StepsPerRev) and the encoder resolution (GFBS :: IPT). When the control (flag CTP_ENABLED), the controller stores the current position in the footsteps of SM and the current position of the encoder. Further, at each step of the position encoder is converted into steps and if the difference is greater CTPMinError, a flag STATE_CTP_ERROR. When controlling the step motor with speed sensor (CTP_BASE 1), the position is controlled by him. The active edge of input clock controller stores the current value of steps. Further, at each turn checks how many steps shifted. When a mismatch CTPMinError a flag STATE_CTP_ERROR.

Command SURT

result_t set_uart_settings (device_t id, const uart_settings_t* uart_settings)
Command code (CMD): "surt" or 0x74727573.

Request: (16 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U Speed UART speed
INT16U UARTSetupFlags UART setup flags
0x03 - UART_PARITY_BITS (Bits of the parity.)
0x00 - UART_PARITY_BIT_EVEN (Parity bit 1, if even)
0x01 - UART_PARITY_BIT_ODD (Parity bit 1, if odd)
0x02 - UART_PARITY_BIT_SPACE (Parity bit always 0)
0x03 - UART_PARITY_BIT_MARK (Parity bit always 1)
0x04 - UART_PARITY_BIT_USE (None parity)
0x08 - UART_STOP_BIT (If set - one stop bit, else two stop bit)
INT8U Reserved [4] Reserved (4 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set UART settings. This function send structure with UART settings to controller's memory.

Command GURT

result_t get_uart_settings (device_t id, uart_settings_t* uart_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gurt" or 0x74727567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (16 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U Speed UART speed
INT16U UARTSetupFlags UART setup flags
0x03 - UART_PARITY_BITS (Bits of the parity.)
0x00 - UART_PARITY_BIT_EVEN (Parity bit 1, if even)
0x01 - UART_PARITY_BIT_ODD (Parity bit 1, if odd)
0x02 - UART_PARITY_BIT_SPACE (Parity bit always 0)
0x03 - UART_PARITY_BIT_MARK (Parity bit always 1)
0x04 - UART_PARITY_BIT_USE (None parity)
0x08 - UART_STOP_BIT (If set - one stop bit, else two stop bit)
INT8U Reserved [4] Reserved (4 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read UART settings. This function fill structure with UART settings.

Command SCAL

result_t set_calibration_settings (device_t id, const calibration_settings_t* calibration_settings)
Command code (CMD): "scal" or 0x6C616373.

Request: (118 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
FLT32 CSS1_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the winding A current.
FLT32 CSS1_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the winding A current.
FLT32 CSS2_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the winding B current.
FLT32 CSS2_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the winding B current.
FLT32 FullCurrent_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the full current.
FLT32 FullCurrent_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the full current.
INT8U Reserved [88] Reserved (88 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set calibration settings. This function send structure with calibration settings to controller's memory.

Command GCAL

result_t get_calibration_settings (device_t id, calibration_settings_t* calibration_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gcal" or 0x6C616367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (118 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
FLT32 CSS1_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the winding A current.
FLT32 CSS1_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the winding A current.
FLT32 CSS2_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the winding B current.
FLT32 CSS2_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the winding B current.
FLT32 FullCurrent_A Scaling factor for the analogue measurements of the full current.
FLT32 FullCurrent_B Shift factor for the analogue measurements of the full current.
INT8U Reserved [88] Reserved (88 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read calibration settings. This function fill structure with calibration settings.

Command SNMF

result_t set_controller_name (device_t id, const controller_name_t* controller_name)
Command code (CMD): "snmf" or 0x666D6E73.

Request: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR ControllerName [16] User conroller name. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Max string length: 16 chars.
INT8U CtrlFlags Internal controller settings.
0x01 - EEPROM_PRECEDENCE (If the flag is set settings from external EEPROM override controller settings.)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Write user controller name and flags of setting from FRAM.

Command GNMF

result_t get_controller_name (device_t id, controller_name_t* controller_name)
Command code (CMD): "gnmf" or 0x666D6E67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR ControllerName [16] User conroller name. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Max string length: 16 chars.
INT8U CtrlFlags Internal controller settings.
0x01 - EEPROM_PRECEDENCE (If the flag is set settings from external EEPROM override controller settings.)
INT8U Reserved [7] Reserved (7 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read user controller name and flags of setting from FRAM.

Command SNVM

result_t set_nonvolatile_memory (device_t id, const nonvolatile_memory_t* nonvolatile_memory)
Command code (CMD): "snvm" or 0x6D766E73.

Request: (36 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U UserData [7] User data. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Each element of the array stores only 32 bits of user data. This is important on systems where an int type contains more than 4 bytes. For example that all amd64 systems.
INT8U Reserved [2] Reserved (2 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Write userdata into FRAM.

Command GNVM

result_t get_nonvolatile_memory (device_t id, nonvolatile_memory_t* nonvolatile_memory)
Command code (CMD): "gnvm" or 0x6D766E67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (36 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U UserData [7] User data. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Each element of the array stores only 32 bits of user data. This is important on systems where an int type contains more than 4 bytes. For example that all amd64 systems.
INT8U Reserved [2] Reserved (2 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read userdata from FRAM.

Group of commands movement control

Command STOP

result_t command_stop (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "stop" or 0x706F7473.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Immediately stop the engine, the transition to the STOP, mode key BREAK (winding short-circuited), the regime "retention" is deactivated for DC motors, keeping current in the windings for stepper motors (with Power management settings).

Command ASIA

result_t command_add_sync_in_action (device_t id, const command_add_sync_in_action_t* the_command_add_sync_in_action)
Command code (CMD): "asia" or 0x61697361.

Request: (22 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32S Position Desired position or shift (whole steps)
INT16S uPosition The fractional part of a position or shift in microsteps. Is only used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT32U Time Time for which you want to achieve the desired position in microseconds.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

This command adds one element of the FIFO commands that are executed when input clock pulse. Each pulse synchronization or perform that action, which is described in SSNI, if the buffer is empty, or the oldest loaded into the buffer action to temporarily replace the speed and coordinate in SSNI. In the latter case this action is erased from the buffer. The number of remaining empty buffer elements can be found in the structure of GETS.

Command PWOF

result_t command_power_off (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "pwof" or 0x666F7770.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Immediately power off motor regardless its state. Shouldn't be used during motion as the motor could be power on again automatically to continue movement. The command is designed for manual motor power off. When automatic power off after stop is required, use power management system.

Command MOVE

result_t command_move (device_t id, int Position, int uPosition)
Command code (CMD): "move" or 0x65766F6D.

Request: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32S Position Desired position (whole steps).
INT16S uPosition The fractional part of a position in microsteps. Is only used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Upon receiving the command "move" the engine starts to move with pre-set parameters (speed, acceleration, retention), to the point specified to the Position, uPosition. For stepper motor uPosition sets the microstep, for DC motor this field is not used.

Command MOVR

result_t command_movr (device_t id, int DeltaPosition, int uDeltaPosition)
Command code (CMD): "movr" or 0x72766F6D.

Request: (18 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32S DeltaPosition Shift (delta) of position
INT16S uDeltaPosition Fractional part of the shift in micro steps is only used with stepper motor. Range: -255..255.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Upon receiving the command "movr" engine starts to move with pre-set parameters (speed, acceleration, hold), left or right (depending on the sign of DeltaPosition) by the number of pulses specified in the fields DeltaPosition, uDeltaPosition. For stepper motor uDeltaPosition sets the microstep, for DC motor this field is not used.

Command HOME

result_t command_home (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "home" or 0x656D6F68.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

The positive direction is to the right. A value of zero reverses the direction of the direction of the flag, the set speed. Restriction imposed by the trailer, act the same, except that the limit switch contact does not stop. Limit the maximum speed, acceleration and deceleration function. 1) moves the motor according to the speed FastHome, uFastHome and flag HOME_DIR_FAST until limit switch, if the flag is set HOME_STOP_ENDS, until the signal from the input synchronization if the flag HOME_STOP_SYNC (as accurately as possible is important to catch the moment of operation limit switch) or until the signal is received from the speed sensor, if the flag HOME_STOP_REV_SN 2) then moves according to the speed SlowHome, uSlowHome and flag HOME_DIR_SLOW until signal from the clock input, if the flag HOME_MV_SEC. If the flag HOME_MV_SEC reset skip this paragraph. 3) then move the motor according to the speed FastHome, uFastHome and flag HOME_DIR_SLOW a distance HomeDelta, uHomeDelta. description of flags and variable see in description for commands GHOM/SHOM

Command LEFT

result_t command_left (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "left" or 0x7466656C.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Start continous moving to the left.

Command RIGT

result_t command_right (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "rigt" or 0x74676972.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Start continous moving to the right.

Command LOFT

result_t command_loft (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "loft" or 0x74666F6C.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Upon receiving the command "loft" the engine is shifted from the current point to a distance GENG :: Antiplay, then move to the same point.

Command SSTP

result_t command_sstp (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "sstp" or 0x70747373.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Soft stop engine. The motor stops with deceleration speed.

Group of commands set the current position

Command GPOS

result_t get_position (device_t id, get_position_t* the_get_position)
Command code (CMD): "gpos" or 0x736F7067.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (26 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32S Position The position of the whole steps in the engine
INT16S uPosition Microstep position is only used with stepper motors
INT64S EncPosition Encoder position.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Reads the value position in steps and micro for stepper motor and encoder steps all engines.

Command SPOS

result_t set_position (device_t id, const set_position_t* the_set_position)
Command code (CMD): "spos" or 0x736F7073.

Request: (26 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32S Position The position of the whole steps in the engine
INT16S uPosition Microstep position is only used with stepper motors
INT64S EncPosition Encoder position.
INT8U PosFlags Flags
0x01 - SETPOS_IGNORE_POSITION (Will not reload position in steps/microsteps if this flag is set.)
0x02 - SETPOS_IGNORE_ENCODER (Will not reload encoder state if this flag is set.)
INT8U Reserved [5] Reserved (5 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Sets any position value in steps and micro for stepper motor and encoder steps of all engines. It means, that changing main indicator of position.

Command ZERO

result_t command_zero (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "zero" or 0x6F72657A.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Sets the current position and the position in which the traffic moves by the move command and movr zero for all cases, except for movement to the target position. In the latter case, set the zero current position and the target position counted so that the absolute position of the destination is the same. That is, if we were at 400 and moved to 500, then the command Zero makes the current position of 0, and the position of the destination - 100. Does not change the mode of movement that is if the motion is carried, it continues, and if the engine is in the "hold", the type of retention remains.

Group of commands to save and load settings

Command SAVE

result_t command_save_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "save" or 0x65766173.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Save all settings from controller's RAM to controller's flash memory, replacing previous data in controller's flash memory.

Command READ

result_t command_read_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "read" or 0x64616572.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Read all settings from controller's flash memory to controller's RAM, replacing previous data in controller's RAM.

Command SARS

result_t command_save_robust_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "sars" or 0x73726173.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Save important settings (calibration coefficients and etc.) from controller's RAM to controller's flash memory, replacing previous data in controller's flash memory.

Command RERS

result_t command_read_robust_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "rers" or 0x73726572.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Read important settings (calibration coefficients and etc.) from controller's flash memory to controller's RAM, replacing previous data in controller's RAM.

Command EESV

result_t command_eesave_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "eesv" or 0x76736565.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Save settings from controller's RAM to stage's EEPROM memory, which spontaneity connected to stage and it isn`t change without it mechanical reconstruction. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command EERD

result_t command_eeread_settings (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "eerd" or 0x64726565.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Read settings from controller's RAM to stage's EEPROM memory, which spontaneity connected to stage and it isn`t change without it mechanical reconstruction.

Group of commands get the status of the controller

Command GETS

result_t get_status (device_t id, status_t* status)
Command code (CMD): "gets" or 0x73746567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (54 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U MoveSts Move state.
0x01 - MOVE_STATE_MOVING (This flag indicates that controller is trying to move the motor. Don't use this flag for waiting of completion of the movement command. Use MVCMD_RUNNING flag from the MvCmdSts field instead.)
0x02 - MOVE_STATE_TARGET_SPEED (Target speed is reached, if flag set.)
0x04 - MOVE_STATE_ANTIPLAY (Motor is playing compensation, if flag set.)
INT8U MvCmdSts Move command state.
0x3F - MVCMD_NAME_BITS (Move command bit mask.)
0x00 - MVCMD_UKNWN (Unknown command.)
0x01 - MVCMD_MOVE (Command move.)
0x02 - MVCMD_MOVR (Command movr.)
0x03 - MVCMD_LEFT (Command left.)
0x04 - MVCMD_RIGHT (Command rigt.)
0x05 - MVCMD_STOP (Command stop.)
0x06 - MVCMD_HOME (Command home.)
0x07 - MVCMD_LOFT (Command loft.)
0x08 - MVCMD_SSTP (Command soft stop.)
0x40 - MVCMD_ERROR (Finish state (1 - move command have finished with an error, 0 - move command have finished correctly). This flags is actual when MVCMD_RUNNING signals movement finish.)
0x80 - MVCMD_RUNNING (Move command state (0 - move command have finished, 1 - move command is being executed).)
INT8U PWRSts Power state of the stepper motor (used only with stepper motor).
0x00 - PWR_STATE_UNKNOWN (Unknown state, should never happen.)
0x01 - PWR_STATE_OFF (Motor windings are disconnected from the driver.)
0x03 - PWR_STATE_NORM (Motor windings are powered by nominal current.)
0x04 - PWR_STATE_REDUCT (Motor windings are powered by reduced current to lower power consumption.)
0x05 - PWR_STATE_MAX (Motor windings are powered by maximum current driver can provide at this voltage.)
INT8U EncSts Encoder state.
0x00 - ENC_STATE_ABSENT (Encoder is absent.)
0x01 - ENC_STATE_UNKNOWN (Encoder state is unknown.)
0x02 - ENC_STATE_MALFUNC (Encoder is connected and malfunctioning.)
0x03 - ENC_STATE_REVERS (Encoder is connected and operational but counts in other direction.)
0x04 - ENC_STATE_OK (Encoder is connected and working properly.)
INT8U WindSts Windings state.
0x00 - WIND_A_STATE_ABSENT (Winding A is disconnected.)
0x01 - WIND_A_STATE_UNKNOWN (Winding A state is unknown.)
0x02 - WIND_A_STATE_MALFUNC (Winding A is short-circuited.)
0x03 - WIND_A_STATE_OK (Winding A is connected and working properly.)
0x00 - WIND_B_STATE_ABSENT (Winding B is disconnected.)
0x10 - WIND_B_STATE_UNKNOWN (Winding B state is unknown.)
0x20 - WIND_B_STATE_MALFUNC (Winding B is short-circuited.)
0x30 - WIND_B_STATE_OK (Winding B is connected and working properly.)
INT32S CurPosition Current position.
INT16S uCurPosition Step motor shaft position in 1/256 microsteps. Used only with stepper motor.
INT64S EncPosition Current encoder position.
INT32S CurSpeed Motor shaft speed.
INT16S uCurSpeed Part of motor shaft speed in 1/256 microsteps. Used only with stepper motor.
INT16S Ipwr Engine current.
INT16S Upwr Power supply voltage, tens of mV.
INT16S Iusb USB current consumption.
INT16S Uusb USB voltage, tens of mV.
INT16S CurT Temperature in tenths of degrees C.
INT32U Flags Set of flags specify motor shaft movement algorithm and list of limitations.
0x00003F - STATE_CONTR (Flags of controller states.)
0x000001 - STATE_ERRC (Command error encountered.)
0x000002 - STATE_ERRD (Data integrity error encountered.)
0x000004 - STATE_ERRV (Value error encountered.)
0x000010 - STATE_EEPROM_CONNECTED (EEPROM with settings is connected.)
0x000020 - STATE_IS_HOMED (Calibration performed)
0x73FFC0 - STATE_SECUR (Flags of security.)
0x000040 - STATE_ALARM (Controller is in alarm state indicating that something dangerous had happened. Most commands are ignored in this state. To reset the flag a STOP command must be issued.)
0x000080 - STATE_CTP_ERROR (Control position error(is only used with stepper motor).)
0x000100 - STATE_POWER_OVERHEAT (Power driver overheat.)
0x000200 - STATE_CONTROLLER_OVERHEAT (Controller overheat.)
0x000400 - STATE_OVERLOAD_POWER_VOLTAGE (Power voltage exceeds safe limit.)
0x000800 - STATE_OVERLOAD_POWER_CURRENT (Power current exceeds safe limit.)
0x001000 - STATE_OVERLOAD_USB_VOLTAGE (USB voltage exceeds safe limit.)
0x002000 - STATE_LOW_USB_VOLTAGE (USB voltage is insufficient for normal operation.)
0x004000 - STATE_OVERLOAD_USB_CURRENT (USB current exceeds safe limit.)
0x008000 - STATE_BORDERS_SWAP_MISSET (Engine stuck at the wrong edge.)
0x010000 - STATE_LOW_POWER_VOLTAGE (Power voltage is lower than Low Voltage Protection limit)
0x020000 - STATE_H_BRIDGE_FAULT (Signal from the driver that fault happened)
0x0C0000 - STATE_CURRENT_MOTOR_BITS (Bits indicating the current operating motor on boards with multiple outputs for engine mounting.)
0x000000 - STATE_CURRENT_MOTOR0 (Motor 0.)
0x040000 - STATE_CURRENT_MOTOR1 (Motor 1.)
0x080000 - STATE_CURRENT_MOTOR2 (Motor 2.)
0x0C0000 - STATE_CURRENT_MOTOR3 (Motor 3.)
0x100000 - STATE_WINDING_RES_MISMATCH (The difference between winding resistances is too large)
0x200000 - STATE_ENCODER_FAULT (Signal from the encoder that fault happened)
0x400000 - STATE_MOTOR_CURRENT_LIMIT (Current limit exceeded)
INT32U GPIOFlags Set of flags of gpio states
0xFFFF - STATE_DIG_SIGNAL (Flags of digital signals.)
0x0001 - STATE_RIGHT_EDGE (Engine stuck at the right edge.)
0x0002 - STATE_LEFT_EDGE (Engine stuck at the left edge.)
0x0004 - STATE_BUTTON_RIGHT (Button "right" state (1 if pressed).)
0x0008 - STATE_BUTTON_LEFT (Button "left" state (1 if pressed).)
0x0010 - STATE_GPIO_PINOUT (External GPIO works as Out, if flag set; otherwise works as In.)
0x0020 - STATE_GPIO_LEVEL (State of external GPIO pin.)
0x0040 - STATE_HALL_A (State of Hall_a pin.)
0x0080 - STATE_HALL_B (State of Hall_b pin.)
0x0100 - STATE_HALL_C (State of Hall_c pin.)
0x0200 - STATE_BRAKE (State of Brake pin.)
0x0400 - STATE_REV_SENSOR (State of Revolution sensor pin.)
0x0800 - STATE_SYNC_INPUT (State of Sync input pin.)
0x1000 - STATE_SYNC_OUTPUT (State of Sync output pin.)
0x2000 - STATE_ENC_A (State of encoder A pin.)
0x4000 - STATE_ENC_B (State of encoder B pin.)
INT8U CmdBufFreeSpace This field shows the amount of free cells buffer synchronization chain.
INT8U Reserved [4] Reserved (4 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Return device state. Useful function that fills structure with snapshot of controller state, including speed, position and boolean flags.

Command STMS

result_t command_start_measurements (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "stms" or 0x736D7473.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Start measurements and buffering of speed, following error.

Command GETM

result_t get_measurements (device_t id, measurements_t* measurements)
Command code (CMD): "getm" or 0x6D746567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (216 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32S Speed [25] Current speed.
INT32S Error [25] Current error.
INT32U Length Length of actual data in buffer.
INT8U Reserved [6] Reserved (6 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

A command to read the data buffer to build a speed graph and a sequence error. Filling the buffer starts with the command "start_measurements". The buffer holds 25 points, the points are taken with a period of 1 ms. To create a robust system, read data every 20 ms, if the buffer is completely full, then it is recommended to repeat the readings every 5 ms until the buffer again becomes filled with 20 points.

Command GETC

result_t get_chart_data (device_t id, chart_data_t* chart_data)
Command code (CMD): "getc" or 0x63746567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (38 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16S WindingVoltageA In the case step motor, the voltage across the winding A; in the case of a brushless, the voltage on the first coil, in the case of the only DC.
INT16S WindingVoltageB In the case step motor, the voltage across the winding B; in case of a brushless, the voltage on the second winding, and in the case of DC is not used.
INT16S WindingVoltageC In the case of a brushless, the voltage on the third winding, in the case step motor and DC is not used.
INT16S WindingCurrentA In the case step motor, the current in the coil A; brushless if the current in the first coil, and in the case of a single DC.
INT16S WindingCurrentB In the case step motor, the current in the coil B; brushless if the current in the second coil, and in the case of DC is not used.
INT16S WindingCurrentC In the case of a brushless, the current in the third winding, in the case step motor and DC is not used.
INT16U Pot Analog input value in ten-thousandths. Range: 0..10000
INT16U Joy The joystick position in the ten-thousandths. Range: 0..10000
INT16S DutyCycle Duty cycle of PWM.
INT8U Reserved [14] Reserved (14 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Return device electrical parameters, useful for charts. Useful function that fill structure with snapshot of controller voltages and currents.

Command GETI

result_t get_device_information (device_t id, device_information_t* device_information)
Command code (CMD): "geti" or 0x69746567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (36 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [4] Manufacturer
CHAR ManufacturerId [2] Manufacturer id
CHAR ProductDescription [8] Product description
INT8U Major The major number of the hardware version.
INT8U Minor Minor number of the hardware version.
INT16U Release Number of edits this release of hardware.
INT8U Reserved [12] Reserved (12 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Return device information. It's available from the firmware and bootloader.

Command GSER

result_t get_serial_number (device_t id, unsigned int* SerialNumber)
Command code (CMD): "gser" or 0x72657367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (10 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U SerialNumber Board serial number.
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read device serial number.

Group of commands to work with the controller firmware

Command GFWV

result_t get_firmware_version (device_t id, unsigned int* Major, unsigned int* Minor, unsigned int* Release)
Command code (CMD): "gfwv" or 0x76776667.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (10 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U Major Firmware major version number
INT8U Minor Firmware minor version number
INT16U Release Firmware release version number
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read controller's firmware version.

Command UPDF

result_t service_command_updf (device_t id)
Command code (CMD): "updf" or 0x66647075.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Command puts the controller to update the firmware. After receiving this command, the firmware board sets a flag (for loader), sends echo reply and restarts the controller.

Service commands

Command SSER

result_t set_serial_number (device_t id, const serial_number_t* serial_number)
Command code (CMD): "sser" or 0x72657373.

Request: (50 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT32U SN New board serial number.
INT8U Key [32] Protection key (256 bit).
INT8U Major The major number of the hardware version.
INT8U Minor Minor number of the hardware version.
INT16U Release Number of edits this release of hardware.
INT8U Reserved [4] Reserved (4 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Write device serial number and hardware version to controller's flash memory. Along with the new serial number and hardware version a "Key" is transmitted. The SN and hardware version are changed and saved when keys match. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command RDAN

result_t get_analog_data (device_t id, analog_data_t* analog_data)
Command code (CMD): "rdan" or 0x6E616472.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (76 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT16U A1Voltage_ADC "Voltage on pin 1 winding A" raw data from ADC.
INT16U A2Voltage_ADC "Voltage on pin 2 winding A" raw data from ADC.
INT16U B1Voltage_ADC "Voltage on pin 1 winding B" raw data from ADC.
INT16U B2Voltage_ADC "Voltage on pin 2 winding B" raw data from ADC.
INT16U SupVoltage_ADC "Voltage on the top of MOSFET full bridge" raw data from ADC.
INT16U ACurrent_ADC "Winding A current" raw data from ADC.
INT16U BCurrent_ADC "Winding B current" raw data from ADC.
INT16U FullCurrent_ADC "Full current" raw data from ADC.
INT16U Temp_ADC Voltage from temperature sensor, raw data from ADC.
INT16U Joy_ADC Joystick raw data from ADC.
INT16U Pot_ADC Voltage on analog input, raw data from ADC
INT16U L5_ADC USB supply voltage after the current sense resistor, from ADC.
INT16U H5_ADC Power supply USB from ADC
INT16S A1Voltage "Voltage on pin 1 winding A" calibrated data.
INT16S A2Voltage "Voltage on pin 2 winding A" calibrated data.
INT16S B1Voltage "Voltage on pin 1 winding B" calibrated data.
INT16S B2Voltage "Voltage on pin 2 winding B" calibrated data.
INT16S SupVoltage "Voltage on the top of MOSFET full bridge" calibrated data.
INT16S ACurrent "Winding A current" calibrated data.
INT16S BCurrent "Winding B current" calibrated data.
INT16S FullCurrent "Full current" calibrated data.
INT16S Temp Temperature, calibrated data.
INT16S Joy Joystick, calibrated data. Range: 0..10000
INT16S Pot Analog input, calibrated data. Range: 0..10000
INT16S L5 USB supply voltage after the current sense resistor.
INT16S H5 Power supply USB
INT16U deprecated
INT32S R Motor winding resistance in mOhms(is only used with stepper motor).
INT32S L Motor winding pseudo inductance in uHn(is only used with stepper motor).
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read analog data structure that contains raw analog data from ADC embedded on board. This function used for device testing and deep recalibraton by manufacturer only.

Command DBGR

result_t get_debug_read (device_t id, debug_read_t* debug_read)
Command code (CMD): "dbgr" or 0x72676264.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (142 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U DebugData [128] Arbitrary debug data.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read data from firmware for debug purpose. Its use depends on context, firmware version and previous history.

Command DBGW

result_t set_debug_write (device_t id, const debug_write_t* debug_write)
Command code (CMD): "dbgw" or 0x77676264.

Request: (142 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U DebugData [128] Arbitrary debug data.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Write data to firmware for debug purpose.

Group of commands to work with EEPROM

Command SNME

result_t set_stage_name (device_t id, const stage_name_t* stage_name)
Command code (CMD): "snme" or 0x656D6E73.

Request: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR PositionerName [16] User positioner name. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Max string length: 16 chars.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Write user stage name from EEPROM.

Command GNME

result_t get_stage_name (device_t id, stage_name_t* stage_name)
Command code (CMD): "gnme" or 0x656D6E67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (30 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR PositionerName [16] User positioner name. Can be set by user for his/her convinience. Max string length: 16 chars.
INT8U Reserved [8] Reserved (8 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read user stage name from EEPROM.

Command SSTI

result_t set_stage_information (device_t id, const stage_information_t* stage_information)
Command code (CMD): "ssti" or 0x69747373.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set stage information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GSTI

result_t get_stage_information (device_t id, stage_information_t* stage_information)
Command code (CMD): "gsti" or 0x69747367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read stage information from EEPROM.

Command SSTS

result_t set_stage_settings (device_t id, const stage_settings_t* stage_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ssts" or 0x73747373.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
FLT32 LeadScrewPitch Lead screw pitch (mm). Data type: float.
CHAR Units [8] Units for MaxSpeed and TravelRange fields of the structure (steps, degrees, mm, ...). Max string length: 8 chars.
FLT32 MaxSpeed Max speed (Units/c). Data type: float.
FLT32 TravelRange Travel range (Units). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Supply voltage minimum (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Supply voltage maximum (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 HorizontalLoadCapacity Horizontal load capacity (kg). Data type: float.
FLT32 VerticalLoadCapacity Vertical load capacity (kg). Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set stage settings to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only

Command GSTS

result_t get_stage_settings (device_t id, stage_settings_t* stage_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gsts" or 0x73747367.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
FLT32 LeadScrewPitch Lead screw pitch (mm). Data type: float.
CHAR Units [8] Units for MaxSpeed and TravelRange fields of the structure (steps, degrees, mm, ...). Max string length: 8 chars.
FLT32 MaxSpeed Max speed (Units/c). Data type: float.
FLT32 TravelRange Travel range (Units). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Supply voltage minimum (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Supply voltage maximum (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 HorizontalLoadCapacity Horizontal load capacity (kg). Data type: float.
FLT32 VerticalLoadCapacity Vertical load capacity (kg). Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read stage settings from EEPROM.

Command SMTI

result_t set_motor_information (device_t id, const motor_information_t* motor_information)
Command code (CMD): "smti" or 0x69746D73.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set motor information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GMTI

result_t get_motor_information (device_t id, motor_information_t* motor_information)
Command code (CMD): "gmti" or 0x69746D67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read motor information from EEPROM.

Command SMTS

result_t set_motor_settings (device_t id, const motor_settings_t* motor_settings)
Command code (CMD): "smts" or 0x73746D73.

Request: (112 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U MotorType Motor type
0x00 - MOTOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN (Unknown type of engine)
0x01 - MOTOR_TYPE_STEP (Step engine)
0x02 - MOTOR_TYPE_DC (DC engine)
0x03 - MOTOR_TYPE_BLDC (BLDC engine)
INT8U ReservedField Reserved
INT16U Poles Number of pole pairs for DC or BLDC motors or number of steps per rotation for stepper motor.
INT16U Phases Number of phases for BLDC motors.
FLT32 NominalVoltage Nominal voltage on winding (B). Data type: float
FLT32 NominalCurrent Maximum direct current in winding for DC and BLDC engines, nominal current in windings for stepper motor (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalSpeed Nominal speed(rpm). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalTorque Nominal torque(mN m). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalPower Nominal power(W). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 WindingResistance Resistance of windings for DC engine, each of two windings for stepper motor or each of there windings for BLDC engine(Ohm). Data type: float
FLT32 WindingInductance Inductance of windings for DC engine, each of two windings for stepper motor or each of there windings for BLDC engine(mH). Data type: float
FLT32 RotorInertia Rotor inertia(g cm2). Data type: float
FLT32 StallTorque Torque hold position for a stepper motor or torque at a motionless rotor for other types of engines (mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 DetentTorque Holding torque position with un-powered coils (mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 TorqueConstant Torque constant, which determines the aspect ratio of maximum moment of force from the rotor current flowing in the coil (mN m / A). Used mainly for DC motors. Data type: float.
FLT32 SpeedConstant Velocity constant, which determines the value or amplitude of the induced voltage on the motion of DC or BLDC motor (rpm / V) or stepper motor (steps/s / V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SpeedTorqueGradient Speed torque gradient (rpm / mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 MechanicalTimeConstant Mechanical time constant (ms). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxSpeed The maximum speed for stepper motors (steps/s) or DC and BLDC motors (rmp). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrent The maximum current in the winding (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentTime Safe duration of overcurrent in the winding (ms). Data type: float.
FLT32 NoLoadCurrent The current consumption in idle mode (A). Used for DC and BLDC motors. Data type: float.
FLT32 NoLoadSpeed Idle speed (rpm). Used for DC and BLDC motors. Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set motor settings to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GMTS

result_t get_motor_settings (device_t id, motor_settings_t* motor_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gmts" or 0x73746D67.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (112 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U MotorType Motor type
0x00 - MOTOR_TYPE_UNKNOWN (Unknown type of engine)
0x01 - MOTOR_TYPE_STEP (Step engine)
0x02 - MOTOR_TYPE_DC (DC engine)
0x03 - MOTOR_TYPE_BLDC (BLDC engine)
INT8U ReservedField Reserved
INT16U Poles Number of pole pairs for DC or BLDC motors or number of steps per rotation for stepper motor.
INT16U Phases Number of phases for BLDC motors.
FLT32 NominalVoltage Nominal voltage on winding (B). Data type: float
FLT32 NominalCurrent Maximum direct current in winding for DC and BLDC engines, nominal current in windings for stepper motor (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalSpeed Nominal speed(rpm). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalTorque Nominal torque(mN m). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 NominalPower Nominal power(W). Used for DC and BLDC engine. Data type: float.
FLT32 WindingResistance Resistance of windings for DC engine, each of two windings for stepper motor or each of there windings for BLDC engine(Ohm). Data type: float
FLT32 WindingInductance Inductance of windings for DC engine, each of two windings for stepper motor or each of there windings for BLDC engine(mH). Data type: float
FLT32 RotorInertia Rotor inertia(g cm2). Data type: float
FLT32 StallTorque Torque hold position for a stepper motor or torque at a motionless rotor for other types of engines (mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 DetentTorque Holding torque position with un-powered coils (mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 TorqueConstant Torque constant, which determines the aspect ratio of maximum moment of force from the rotor current flowing in the coil (mN m / A). Used mainly for DC motors. Data type: float.
FLT32 SpeedConstant Velocity constant, which determines the value or amplitude of the induced voltage on the motion of DC or BLDC motor (rpm / V) or stepper motor (steps/s / V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SpeedTorqueGradient Speed torque gradient (rpm / mN m). Data type: float.
FLT32 MechanicalTimeConstant Mechanical time constant (ms). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxSpeed The maximum speed for stepper motors (steps/s) or DC and BLDC motors (rmp). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrent The maximum current in the winding (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentTime Safe duration of overcurrent in the winding (ms). Data type: float.
FLT32 NoLoadCurrent The current consumption in idle mode (A). Used for DC and BLDC motors. Data type: float.
FLT32 NoLoadSpeed Idle speed (rpm). Used for DC and BLDC motors. Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read motor settings from EEPROM.

Command SENI

result_t set_encoder_information (device_t id, const encoder_information_t* encoder_information)
Command code (CMD): "seni" or 0x696E6573.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set encoder information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GENI

result_t get_encoder_information (device_t id, encoder_information_t* encoder_information)
Command code (CMD): "geni" or 0x696E6567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read encoder information from EEPROM.

Command SENS

result_t set_encoder_settings (device_t id, const encoder_settings_t* encoder_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sens" or 0x736E6573.

Request: (54 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
FLT32 MaxOperatingFrequency Max operation frequency (kHz). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Minimum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Maximum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (mA). Data type: float.
INT32U PPR The number of counts per revolution
INT32U EncoderSettings Encoder settings flags
0x001 - ENCSET_DIFFERENTIAL_OUTPUT (If flag is set the encoder has differential output, else single ended output)
0x004 - ENCSET_PUSHPULL_OUTPUT (If flag is set the encoder has push-pull output, else open drain output)
0x010 - ENCSET_INDEXCHANNEL_PRESENT (If flag is set the encoder has index channel, else encoder hasn`t it)
0x040 - ENCSET_REVOLUTIONSENSOR_PRESENT (If flag is set the encoder has revolution sensor, else encoder hasn`t it)
0x100 - ENCSET_REVOLUTIONSENSOR_ACTIVE_HIGH (If flag is set the revolution sensor active state is high logic state, else active state is low logic state)
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set encoder settings to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GENS

result_t get_encoder_settings (device_t id, encoder_settings_t* encoder_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gens" or 0x736E6567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (54 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
FLT32 MaxOperatingFrequency Max operation frequency (kHz). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Minimum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Maximum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (mA). Data type: float.
INT32U PPR The number of counts per revolution
INT32U EncoderSettings Encoder settings flags
0x001 - ENCSET_DIFFERENTIAL_OUTPUT (If flag is set the encoder has differential output, else single ended output)
0x004 - ENCSET_PUSHPULL_OUTPUT (If flag is set the encoder has push-pull output, else open drain output)
0x010 - ENCSET_INDEXCHANNEL_PRESENT (If flag is set the encoder has index channel, else encoder hasn`t it)
0x040 - ENCSET_REVOLUTIONSENSOR_PRESENT (If flag is set the encoder has revolution sensor, else encoder hasn`t it)
0x100 - ENCSET_REVOLUTIONSENSOR_ACTIVE_HIGH (If flag is set the revolution sensor active state is high logic state, else active state is low logic state)
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read encoder settings from EEPROM.

Command SHSI

result_t set_hallsensor_information (device_t id, const hallsensor_information_t* hallsensor_information)
Command code (CMD): "shsi" or 0x69736873.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set hall sensor information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GHSI

result_t get_hallsensor_information (device_t id, hallsensor_information_t* hallsensor_information)
Command code (CMD): "ghsi" or 0x69736867.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read hall sensor information from EEPROM.

Command SHSS

result_t set_hallsensor_settings (device_t id, const hallsensor_settings_t* hallsensor_settings)
Command code (CMD): "shss" or 0x73736873.

Request: (50 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
FLT32 MaxOperatingFrequency Max operation frequency (kHz). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Minimum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Maximum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (mA). Data type: float.
INT32U PPR The number of counts per revolution
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set hall sensor settings to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GHSS

result_t get_hallsensor_settings (device_t id, hallsensor_settings_t* hallsensor_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ghss" or 0x73736867.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (50 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
FLT32 MaxOperatingFrequency Max operation frequency (kHz). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMin Minimum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 SupplyVoltageMax Maximum supply voltage (V). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxCurrentConsumption Max current consumption (mA). Data type: float.
INT32U PPR The number of counts per revolution
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read hall sensor settings from EEPROM.

Command SGRI

result_t set_gear_information (device_t id, const gear_information_t* gear_information)
Command code (CMD): "sgri" or 0x69726773.

Request: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set gear information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GGRI

result_t get_gear_information (device_t id, gear_information_t* gear_information)
Command code (CMD): "ggri" or 0x69726767.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (70 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR Manufacturer [16] Manufacturer. Max string length: 16 chars.
CHAR PartNumber [24] Series and PartNumber. Max string length: 24 chars.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read gear information from EEPROM.

Command SGRS

result_t set_gear_settings (device_t id, const gear_settings_t* gear_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sgrs" or 0x73726773.

Request: (58 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
FLT32 ReductionIn Input reduction coefficient. (Output = (ReductionOut / ReductionIn) * Input) Data type: float.
FLT32 ReductionOut Output reduction coefficient. (Output = (ReductionOut / ReductionIn) * Input) Data type: float.
FLT32 RatedInputTorque Max continuous torque (N m). Data type: float.
FLT32 RatedInputSpeed Max speed on the input shaft (rpm). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxOutputBacklash Output backlash of the reduction gear(degree). Data type: float.
FLT32 InputInertia Equivalent input gear inertia (g cm2). Data type: float.
FLT32 Efficiency Reduction gear efficiency (%). Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set gear settings to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GGRS

result_t get_gear_settings (device_t id, gear_settings_t* gear_settings)
Command code (CMD): "ggrs" or 0x73726767.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (58 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
FLT32 ReductionIn Input reduction coefficient. (Output = (ReductionOut / ReductionIn) * Input) Data type: float.
FLT32 ReductionOut Output reduction coefficient. (Output = (ReductionOut / ReductionIn) * Input) Data type: float.
FLT32 RatedInputTorque Max continuous torque (N m). Data type: float.
FLT32 RatedInputSpeed Max speed on the input shaft (rpm). Data type: float.
FLT32 MaxOutputBacklash Output backlash of the reduction gear(degree). Data type: float.
FLT32 InputInertia Equivalent input gear inertia (g cm2). Data type: float.
FLT32 Efficiency Reduction gear efficiency (%). Data type: float.
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read gear settings from EEPROM.

Command SACC

result_t set_accessories_settings (device_t id, const accessories_settings_t* accessories_settings)
Command code (CMD): "sacc" or 0x63636173.

Request: (114 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
CHAR MagneticBrakeInfo [24] The manufacturer and the part number of magnetic brake, the maximum string length is 24 characters.
FLT32 MBRatedVoltage Rated voltage for controlling the magnetic brake (B). Data type: float.
FLT32 MBRatedCurrent Rated current for controlling the magnetic brake (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 MBTorque Retention moment (mN m). Data type: float.
INT32U MBSettings Flags of magnetic brake settings
0x01 - MB_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the magnetic brake is available)
0x02 - MB_POWERED_HOLD (If this flag is set the magnetic brake is on when powered)
CHAR TemperatureSensorInfo [24] The manufacturer and the part number of the temperature sensor, the maximum string length: 24 characters.
FLT32 TSMin The minimum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
FLT32 TSMax The maximum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
FLT32 TSGrad The temperature gradient (V/degrees Celsius). Data type: float.
INT32U TSSettings Flags of temperature sensor settings.
0x07 - TS_TYPE_BITS (Bits of the temperature sensor type)
0x00 - TS_TYPE_UNKNOWN (Unknow type of sensor)
0x01 - TS_TYPE_THERMOCOUPLE (Thermocouple)
0x02 - TS_TYPE_SEMICONDUCTOR (The semiconductor temperature sensor)
0x08 - TS_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the temperature sensor is available)
INT32U LimitSwitchesSettings Flags of limit switches settings.
0x01 - LS_ON_SW1_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is available)
0x02 - LS_ON_SW2_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is available)
0x04 - LS_SW1_ACTIVE_LOW (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is triggered by a low level on pin)
0x08 - LS_SW2_ACTIVE_LOW (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is triggered by a low level on pin)
0x10 - LS_SHORTED (If flag is set the Limit switches is shorted)
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Set additional accessories information to EEPROM. Can be used by manufacturer only.

Command GACC

result_t get_accessories_settings (device_t id, accessories_settings_t* accessories_settings)
Command code (CMD): "gacc" or 0x63636167.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (114 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
CHAR MagneticBrakeInfo [24] The manufacturer and the part number of magnetic brake, the maximum string length is 24 characters.
FLT32 MBRatedVoltage Rated voltage for controlling the magnetic brake (B). Data type: float.
FLT32 MBRatedCurrent Rated current for controlling the magnetic brake (A). Data type: float.
FLT32 MBTorque Retention moment (mN m). Data type: float.
INT32U MBSettings Flags of magnetic brake settings
0x01 - MB_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the magnetic brake is available)
0x02 - MB_POWERED_HOLD (If this flag is set the magnetic brake is on when powered)
CHAR TemperatureSensorInfo [24] The manufacturer and the part number of the temperature sensor, the maximum string length: 24 characters.
FLT32 TSMin The minimum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
FLT32 TSMax The maximum measured temperature (degrees Celsius) Data type: float.
FLT32 TSGrad The temperature gradient (V/degrees Celsius). Data type: float.
INT32U TSSettings Flags of temperature sensor settings.
0x07 - TS_TYPE_BITS (Bits of the temperature sensor type)
0x00 - TS_TYPE_UNKNOWN (Unknow type of sensor)
0x01 - TS_TYPE_THERMOCOUPLE (Thermocouple)
0x02 - TS_TYPE_SEMICONDUCTOR (The semiconductor temperature sensor)
0x08 - TS_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the temperature sensor is available)
INT32U LimitSwitchesSettings Flags of limit switches settings.
0x01 - LS_ON_SW1_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is available)
0x02 - LS_ON_SW2_AVAILABLE (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is available)
0x04 - LS_SW1_ACTIVE_LOW (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW1 is triggered by a low level on pin)
0x08 - LS_SW2_ACTIVE_LOW (If flag is set the limit switch connnected to pin SW2 is triggered by a low level on pin)
0x10 - LS_SHORTED (If flag is set the Limit switches is shorted)
INT8U Reserved [24] Reserved (24 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read additional accessories information from EEPROM.

Bootloader commands

Command GBLV

result_t get_bootloader_version (device_t id, unsigned int* Major, unsigned int* Minor, unsigned int* Release)
Command code (CMD): "gblv" or 0x766C6267.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (10 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U Major Bootloader major version number
INT8U Minor Bootloader minor version number
INT16U Release Bootloader release version number
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read controller's firmware version.

Command IRND

result_t get_init_random (device_t id, init_random_t* init_random)
Command code (CMD): "irnd" or 0x646E7269.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (24 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT8U key [16] Random key.
INT8U Reserved [2] Reserved (2 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Read random number from controller.

Command GUID

result_t get_globally_unique_identifier (device_t id, globally_unique_identifier_t* globally_unique_identifier)
Command code (CMD): "guid" or 0x64697567.

Request: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command

Answer: (40 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)
INT32U UniqueID0 Unique ID 0.
INT32U UniqueID1 Unique ID 1.
INT32U UniqueID2 Unique ID 2.
INT32U UniqueID3 Unique ID 3.
INT8U Reserved [18] Reserved (18 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

This value is unique to each individual die but is not a random value. This unique device identifier can be used to initiate secure boot processes or as a serial number for USB or other end applications.

Command CHMT

result_t command_change_motor (device_t id, const command_change_motor_t* the_command_change_motor)
Command code (CMD): "chmt" or 0x746D6863.

Request: (22 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command
INT8U Motor Motor number which it should be switch relay on [0..1]
INT8U Reserved [15] Reserved (15 bytes)
INT16U CRC Checksum

Answer: (4 bytes)

INT32U CMD Command (answer)

Change motor - command for switching output relay.

Controller error response types


Answer: (4 bytes)
Code: "errc" or 0x63727265

INT32U "errc" Command error

Controller answers with "errc" if the command is either not recognized or cannot be processed and sets the correspoding bit in status data structure.


Answer: (4 bytes)
Code: "errd" or 0x64727265

INT32U "errd" Data error

Controller answers with "errd" if the CRC of the data section computed by the controller doesn't match the received CRC field and sets the correspoding bit in status data structure.


Answer: (4 bytes)
Code: "errv" or 0x76727265

INT32U "errv" Value error

Controller answers with "errv" if any of the values in the command are out of acceptable range and can not be applied. Inacceptable value is replaced by a rounded, truncated or default value. Controller also sets the correspoding bit in status data structure.